a majority of dialogue and events are based off of in-game dialogue and events.spoilers for Unlikely Valentine and subsequent quests inbound.further updates will be determined by feedback and interest.Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply.Slxightofhand Fandoms: Fallout 4, Fallout (Video Games)

Language: English Words: 131,096 Chapters: 30/? Comments: 9 Kudos: 108 Bookmarks: 15 Hits: 3952 With Piper being a beacon of hope, she won't have to worry too much about it and instead finds another person to fight for while looking for her son. Luckily, the friends she makes along the way will be there to help, and won't let her fall to the Commonwealth's depressing charms. Zoe walks into a terrifying new world two hundred years after the world destroyed itself, and has to battle through every challenge imaginable to undo the damage. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings.